jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Walking through the streets of Berlin, perceiving the city as foreigners, exploring the streets as pedestrians, riding a bike, taking the tube…There was something that really caught our eyes, textures.
Textures we perceived in different layers of communication inside the city each one with its own scale, this is the start out of our piece of work.
Berlin is related with Mediterranean. It has influences of other cities along the Mediterranean coast like other cultures, which condition somehow the morphology of Berlin and the paths in which we walk.
We were fascinated by this world of textures around Berlin which we captured in photo-tiles or pixels. Each pixel is 25x15 mm dimension, corresponds with a photography taken in the exact location of Berlin city map which measures 67x135 metres in real scale.
Distinguishing different layers which configure the urban landscape of Berlin. A city which combines green landscapes, river, cyclist paths, roadways and pavements.  If we had to point out what in Berlin made us feel like in Mediterranean we would highlight coasts, green spaces, roads, squares and pavements which lead us to mosaics as a way of representing our final work.  

Mosaic, Greek term which means muse. This is how we concluded the Mediterranean as the muse of Berlin. 

Recorriendo las calles de Berlín como turistas, explorando las calles como peatones montando en bici, cogiendo el metro…algo captó nuestra atención.
Texturas percibidas en distintas capas comunicando internamente la ciudad. Este es el comienzo de nuestro trabajo.
Berlín, como otros lugares está vinculado al Mediterráneo. Influencias de otras ciudades que bañan en Mediterráneo y otras culturas, esto condiciona de alguna manera la morfología de Berlín, su riqueza .
Foto-teselas que configuran una interpretación de Berlín como mosaico de texturas. Un mosaico artístico-arquitectónico que aúna cualidades plásticas y técnicas de escala, capas, niveles y cotas comparándolo con las ciudades del Mediterráneo a diferentes zooms. Desde una macro escala-costa hasta una micro escala mosaico .Pasando la realidad a un solo plano.

Nuria Romo_ Ana Strobl_Ainoha Velasco_Roberto Bouza_Rocío Romo